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Ballarat National Theatre Company

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Finding our rehearsal space

We have a rehearsal room at Barkly Square which we use for rehearsals, meetings, auditions and member activities. Access is available via stairs or elevator. The room is closed when activities are not scheduled.

25 Barkly Street, Ballarat East.

The Barkly Square facility is automatically accessible during business hours, but needs a swipe care to access outside of hours. If you are attending for a particular activity, we will ensure you can get inside.

Please enter by the side door of Barkly Square, located in the courtyard. You can find the courtyard by either walking from Barkly Street under the walkway bridge towards the back of the building, or by walking up the path from the rear carpark where it will be on your left.

If the door is not open, communicate with the contact for your activity to let them know you need access.

If the door is open, walk straight ahead, up the stairs or elevator on the left, and use the signs on the wall to the right of the top of the stairs to find our room.

Parking at Barkly Square

Access to the carpark is from Princes Street.

Disabled parking and a loading bay are available up the driveway from the carpark towards the facility.

Bike parking is available in the courtyard.