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Donegal County Accents

17 August 2024

There’s no better way to learn an accent than from someone with the accent!

The cast from our upcoming production of Dancing at Lughnasa were excited to work on an appropriate regional Irish accent with actor and accent native Tracy McKeague. It was amazing to hear the difference between the most famous Irish accent where you may here someone using a ‘t’ instead of a ‘th’ and the Donegal County accent, where, amongst a bunch of other unique sounds, the ‘th’ is used. Other places that Donegal the accent is different from the accent of somewhere south like Dublin include in the in the vowel sound used for words like aught, caught, august, fraught, and thought. For example the one would say ‘aah-gust’ while the other would say ‘aur-gust’.

Tracey travelled all the way to Ballarat to help us out and we are hoping to make her proud. She spent serval hours with the cast answering their questions and helping them with sticky spots in their script.

You can see Tracey perform in Torquay Theatre Troupe’s upcoming comedy dinner theatre “Dinner Bites” from Sep 19-22. The Torquay show will coincidentally include a piece from BNT life member Peter Nethercote.

Come and see our cast and judge their Donegal County (plus one hybrid Welsh) accents in Dancing at Lughnasa, September 27-October 6 at Woodman’s Hill Performing Arts Centre.