About Wait Until Dark
A blind Greenwich Village woman becomes the target of three con-men searching for heroin hidden in a doll, which her husband unwittingly transported from Canada as a favour to a woman who has since been murdered.
The conmen take on various roles, to convince the woman to tell them where the heroin is. Eventually one of the conmen murders all of his partners after they outlive their usefulness, leading to a tense conclusion.
With thanks to Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wait_Until_Dark

21st to 29th March 1969
Genre: Drama
Playwright: Frederick Knott
Director: Jenny Strickland
From BNT newsletter December 1968
Jenny Strickland’s nightmare is over. She has got the rights of Wait Until Dark. This is a scoop for National Theatre as we are the first amateur group in Australia to present this new play which has just completed a highly successful run in a professional theatre in Melbourne.
Do you remember Dial M for Murder? Wait Until Dark is by the same author. Rosalind White saw the play in Melbourne in its last week and has been raving about it ever since. There is no doubt that this play is the headiest cocktail of thrills, suspense, mystery and excitement in the contemporary theatre. Jenny hopes to stage the play at the end of March or early in April.
Gala Performance
A special sub-committee is working out the details of a Gala Night to be held after the Saturday performance of Wait Until Dark. Those who haven’t collapsed through suspense will eat chicken sandwiches, drink wine or coffee and fraternise with the theatre company. More details will be given when the special committee returns to work after the holidays.
From BNT newsletter March 1969
This is going to be one of our best productions despite the sea of troubles that threatened to swamp us at various times. Season runs from 21 march to 29. Tell your friends about this play and earn their gratitude subsequently. Ifs beautifully written and well produced. The word is getting around and there’s no doubt that the theatre will be fully booked. This is the first production by an amateur company in Australasia of this work.
Admission Prices
To refresh your memory on prices, here is the story. Members, students and pensioners pay 60 cents only – except on Saturday nights when concessions are waived and the full charge of one dollar is made. People outside these categories above pay one dollar.