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2023 - Ballarat National Theatre

Shakespeare's: Caesar

November 2023 About Director Playwright Cast Crew Program Performance Gallery Rehearsal Gallery Caesar is known by many to be generous, powerful, a brilliant tactician, and a wise leader. He is also known to be ambitious. Fresh from his victory over his political rival and fellow Consul, Pompey the Great, Caesar returns to Rome with dreams of seizing the absolute power that he believes he deserves. Many Romans...

Terry Pratchett's: Wyrd Sisters

2023 About Director Playwright Cast Crew Program Performance Gallery Rehearsal Gallery Media Awards Terry Pratchett’s famous novel, adapted for the stage by Stephen Briggs. On the magical fantasy Discworld, in a kingdom called Lancre, the Land has woken up and it’s unhappy. It wants a King that cares for it, but it’s got a mad Duke who hates the trees and the witches,...

Dust and Ruin

  • Season dates: 14th April - 22 April
  • Venue: Mount Rowan School Theatre
  • Genre: Drama
  • Playwright: Alexandra Meerbach, Mika Wallace
  • Director: Alexandra Meerbach
  • Running time: 2 hours including interval
  • Australian/Local Playwright: Australian, Local
April 2023 About Director Playwright Cast Crew Program Performance Gallery Rehearsal Gallery It is February 2029 and the world is on the brink of crisis. Water is scarce, the first nuke has been launched and each week, somewhere in the world natural disasters are occurring – brought on by climate change. A group of families have been pooling their resources, slowly building a bunker on some remote bushland to...