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About Breath of Spring


  • Genre: Drama

  • Director: Julian Oldfield


Sonja Kinnersley

Miss Nanette Parry ('Nan')

Barrie McCausland

Brigadier Albert Rayne, C.B,. C.M.G,. M.V.O.

Megan Ali

Lily Thompson

Catherine Taylor

Alice. Lady Miller

Gabrielle Leeds

Dame Beatrice Appleby, D.B.E. ('Bee')

Bronwyn Oldaker

Miss Elizabeth Hatfield ('Hattie')

David Wilson


Bruce Eldridge



  • Directed by

    Julian Oldfield

  • Stage Manager

    Bruce Eldridge

  • Crew

    David Bradley & Josh Noble

  • Lighting

    Frank Hanrahan with Liza Hill, Kieran & Leon Hanrahan

  • Pre Production

    Bert Kinnersley, Matthew Noble, Bronwyn Oldaker,
    Lyle Siebert, John Stuchbury, Catherine Taylor

  • Set Construction

    Frank Lilley with the crew and Ivan & Yvonne Downing, Wendy & Gary Hall, Michael Flynn, Tony McGuinness, Justin Morris, Julian Oldfield, Megan Pinkerton,
    Ken Prato, Andrew Seeary, Margaret Solomon, David Wilson.

  • Foyer

    Yvonne Downing & BNT Members

  • Graphic Design

    Peter Freund

  • Photography

    Helen Irving

Performance Gallery


Reviewer - Wendy Holgate

National Produces a Breath of Spring.

What with the doom and gloom of the past two weeks it was a pleasure to be entertained by a little bit of non- sense from Ballarat's National Theatre. The cast is to be commended for a wonderful effort to bring this play to Ballarat audiences with only three weeks rehearsal. Congratulations to Julian Oldfield the director. Excellent casting and fabulous set.

The story revolves around a guesthouse run by Dame Beatrice Appleby, DBE, (I have no idea what the letters stand for) beautifully played by Gabrielle Leeds. Some of the boarders include Barrie McCausland who plays The Brigadier Albert Rayne CB, CMG, MVO (another lot of letters) ever ready to organise everything and everyone, Catherine Taylor, a friend of Dame Beatrice, both who are vying: for the attentions of the Brigadier. Sonja Kinnersly is Miss Nanette Parry the elocution instructor.

Megan Ali is the very funny Lily Thompson the housemaid who has just spent time in Her Majesty's prison for stealing. Bronwyn Oldaker is Miss Elizabeth Hatfield, a chronic nervous. wreck. David Wilson plays Pape from Scotland Yard and Bruce Eldridge is Kemp the policeman.

Troubles start when Lily the housekeeper decides she wants to give the mistress something special for taking her in after she was released from jail, so she steals a fur coat from the next apartment.

Rather than call the police to report the incident and to keep Lily from going back to jail, all agree, because each has some- thing to hide (a skeleton in everyone's cupboard) and with military precision by the Brigadier and total confusion by all that the coat be returned, and all will be well..

Ah, but will it? It is a frivolous piece of nonsense, funny and most enjoyable, so take along a friend and enjoy A Breath of Spring.