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About Twelve Angry Men


It is 1957, and twelve men have been led into a jury room of a New York City court of law. They are given final instructions about determining the verdict in a murder case whose defendant faces the death penalty if found guilty.

Before deliberations begin, the men take a short break after filing into the hot and stuffy room. They gather around a long table to begin discussions about the case. The defendant, a young man, is accused of killing his father; and, after a preliminary vote, all but one of the jurors presume he is guilty. Juror #8 is the only one who feels differently. Because they must come to a unanimous decision, debates begin. Most of the men are upset and very vocal about the dissenting vote.

It is agreed to go around the table and have each man explain why he believes the young man is guilty, in hopes of convincing Juror #8 to change his mind. They heatedly discuss the known facts of the case; and little by little the personalities, opinions, and biases of each juror become evident. Subsequent votes are taken, and each time there are less and less who still believe the defendant is guilty.

Eventually Juror #3 is the only one left who maintains his original “guilty” vote. He is determined to holdout and make it a hung jury. Will this last juror obstinately stand his ground or can the others convince him otherwise?

28th Sept - 5th October, 2013

  • The Courthouse Theatre
  • Drama
  • Playwright: Reginald Rose
  • Director: Peter Tulloch



Reg Mowat


Andrew Fry


Brian McClelland


Michael Zala


Kaine Hansen


Tim Gay


Matt Noble


Lee Taylor


Tony McGuiness


Daniel West


Andrew Seeary


Fred Fargher


Brendan Bawden


John Daykin


Sam O’Brien


  • Directed By

    Peter Tulloch

  • Directors Assistant

    Carly MacDonald

  • Stage Manager

    Beth Foyster

  • Deputy Stage Manager and Lighting Operator

    Savannah Clark

  • Lighting

    Julian Oldfield, Zac Jones and Cameron Thomson

  • Sound
    Michael Zala
  • Table Constructions
    Jim Muller and Lyle Quick
  • Costumes
    Kate Sullivan
  • Props
    Joanne Humphery
  • Graphics
    Wayne Hines
  • Image Finders
    Andrew Seery
  • Photography
    Gary Hunt
  • Frount of House
    Yvonne Downing and BNT members
  • Pre Production
    Yvonne and Ivan Downing, Fred Fargher, Tim Gay, Brian McClelland, Tony McGuinness, Julian Oldfield, Ken Prato, Andrew Seeary, Lee Taylor, Peter Tulloch, Michael Zala and Peter Zala



    Reviewer: Gail Sjogren

    The Verdict is in!
    Ballarat National Theatre’s current production of Twelve Angry Men is guilty of being an outstanding theatrical experience, bringing the acting talents of thirteen of our best male actors to the stage in a gripping portrayal of the tensions of the jury room.

    Brought together to deliberate on the guilt or innocence of a young man charged with stabbing his father, eleven of the jurors have no doubt that he did the deed. Only one hesitates, and argues for a discussion and review of the evidence. That may sound less than exciting but as the discussion develops, so does the tension. Tempers flare, personal prejudices are revealed, arguments grow ever more heated and the audience is riveted by the unfolding drama.

    There is no set other than the tables and chairs and no gimmicks, just outstanding acting from all involved. The jury members are referred to only by their numbers and not their names yet their individuality is never in doubt. Central to the drama is Juror Number 8 played with consummate control by Andrew Seeary. His feeling that there may be some ‘reasonable doubt’ in the case prompts a range of reactions from reasoned to outraged. Tim Gay and Brendan Bawden are impressively angry, and jury foreman Michael Zala has his work cut out to control the situation. The other jurors played by Kaine Hansen, Matt Noble, Lee Taylor, Tony McGuiness, Daniel West, Fred Fargher, John Daykin and Sam O’Brien gradually reveal their various prejudices and life experiences as they struggle with the difficult decision they must make.

    Director Peter Tulloch has drawn on the wide range of acting talent in Ballarat to create a memorable and thought provoking production. I feared that my memory of the film from long ago would lessen my sense of involvement, but despite knowing the outcome I was totally immersed in the unfolding drama. My companion, who had not seen the film, was even more impressed and declared this production one of the best ever. We both recommend it unreservedly.